@KurtJ I've been trying to use encounter help - which when it does work, is excellent - but I keep getting this error when trying to create encounters: 1. New map, add tokens for monsters (using %%numbered%% tokens) 2. Add token "Encounter Helper" to map. 3. In chat box, type !eh pagelist to get list of existing encounters - the list comes up 4. Select the monster tokens I have created. 5. In chat box, type !eh create Jewel 6. Message: (From EncounterHelper): To use Encounter Helper, you must create a token on this page named Encounter Token to store encounter information. & then (From EncounterHelper): Created encounter Jewel with 0 tokens. Questions: 1. Do I need to create a NEW Encounter Token for each map? OR can I reuse the same token for all maps? 2. Does it matter which layer the tokens (including Encounter Token) are? I have them all on the Token Layer. 3. Help?