Hi! I'm running a bunch of one shots this month if you want to play more Cyberpunk and are curious about my gaming style. I ask players to contribute $15 to reserve their seat. Here's a link for more information about joining us this Friday 7pm PDT (GMT-7): <a href="https://www.rpgclub.net/product/monday-night-firefight-learn-to-play-cyberpunk-2020/" rel="nofollow">https://www.rpgclub.net/product/monday-night-firefight-learn-to-play-cyberpunk-2020/</a> Feel free to take a look through my profile and read recent player reviews: <a href="https://www.rpgclub.net/profile/955/" rel="nofollow">https://www.rpgclub.net/profile/955/</a> Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. One-Time Payment made via Stripe.