As always.. I've searched, but have been unsuccessful in finding any references to the subjects regarding the unique features of the GunSlinger sub-class. If there are already discussions regarding this, please redirect me thustishly. Otherwise... I'm looking for references to learn from regarding this subject and how anyone has successfully applied ScriptCards to GunSlinger Misfires. Ammo usage is fairly similar and I'm sure doable in the same manner as a quarrel for arrows... And... most other characteristics of the application of their specialized weapons, regarding attacks, would be same as with most any ranged weapon. However, the "Misfire" (Jamming) function is unique to these weapons. How could this be integrated into the die roll, rather than just a miss? (as I type this I'm trying to think of other lines of code I've seen that might apply effectively) Essentially, I'm trying to learn how to not write a 200 line script full of "if then go to" statements.. for lack of a better term when someone else has already done something similar with 10 lines of code. thanx Muchly! in advance for any advice.