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SRD Monsters

October 15 (4 months ago)

If I were creating a 5E compatible module, and I avoided any monsters that were not in the SRD, and I replaced all artwork... Could I populate that module with monsters that use the same character sheet/template the 5E modules use?

Does Roll20 have a different template for this sort of thing? Would I need to create my own?

October 15 (4 months ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hi Ruprecht!

I assume this is for selling on the Roll20 marketplace? Many marketplace creators use the 2014 statblock and character sheet in their modules. It is to Roll20's advantage for you to do this, since it encourages players to play/purchase your campaign on Roll20. It's always a good idea to consult a copyright lawyer for any gray areas, but sticking to the SRD is generally pretty safe, especially since it has now been released into creative commons.

If you have any specific questions, I'd suggest going to the Marketplace Partner Help Center and read through the articles there. You can also apply to the Marketplace creator's Discord and get much better advice from people who have already done exactly the sort of thing you are talking about.

October 15 (4 months ago)

Thank you, yes it would be for sale.