Hello! I am looking for 3-4 more players for a Homebrew Campaign I have worked up. <a href="https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/18482996/shadows-of-aramis" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/18482996/shadows-of-aramis</a> Starting level is 3 Buffed Standard Array 18,16,14,14,12,10 OR Roll for stats. You may start with ONE uncommon magical item &amp; TWO common magical items, as well as your Standard Equipment. Ask about Homebrew! otherwise, all official books are good! Aramis is a Plane known for the Pantheon of gods known as the Shildron. Lately, the five continents of Aramis have been undergoing massive changes, as Elementals from the Primordial Plane have fled to Aramis to avoid war there. In doing so, they have displaced the tieflings of Qael'Scula, driving them away from their homeland and enslaving any who remain. The tieflings of Qael'Scula have fled to every other continent, but mostly Incarn, as Incarn is ruled by a tiefling-friendly King. However, the influx of tieflings in Incarn has led to a backlash by the more conservative races of Incarn, and a war threatens to brew. Are you a tiefling, invested in the preservation of your race? Or are you a more conservative race concerned with the demonic nature of these newcomers? Or, you could be an unconcerned bystander in this battle. Either way, you join a guild in Incarn, and are tasked with keeping the King's rules and order in Incarn. The World of Aramis Aramis was created by a Pantheon of Gods known as the Shildron. The Shildron has 12 Gods and Goddesses.&nbsp; Here are their names, domains, and tenants for their followers: Aramis – Goddess of Life and Creation ~Cherish all forms of life, for each is a reflection of divine creation. ~Honor the sacred duty of birth and growth, whether of a family or a community. ~Use your talents to create and bring beauty to the world in any form—art, craft, or life itself. ~Nurture and protect the vulnerable, as life is a precious gift. ~Value peace and harmony, for they sustain life. Failnar – God of Death and Wealth ~Respect the balance between life and death; all must return to the earth. ~Wealth is a tool, but it should not corrupt the soul. Use it wisely. ~Honor the dead, for their journey to the afterlife is sacred. ~Accept the inevitability of death as part of the natural cycle. ~Pursue prosperity not only for yourself but for the good of others. Dianette – Goddess of the Hearth and Home ~The hearth is sacred; protect it with care and devotion. ~Welcome others into your home, providing warmth and comfort. ~Strengthen the bonds of family and community, as they are the foundation of a strong life. ~Celebrate tradition and pass down the wisdom of the past. ~Nurture love and stability within your household, for the hearth is the heart of life. Golphnir – God of Fire and Forge ~Master your craft, for skill and dedication forge both tools and character. ~Fire is a source of creation and destruction; wield it with respect. ~Build and shape the world around you, both in material and in spirit. ~Protect what you create, and take pride in the fruits of your labor. ~Embrace challenges, as they temper the soul like a blade in the forge. Slepfye – God of War and Victory ~Strive for victory, but never without honor or purpose. ~Respect your opponents; even in conflict, there is dignity. ~War is a tool for justice and protection, not for personal gain or cruelty. ~Strength comes from both body and mind—train both to become formidable. ~Defend the weak and fight for the greater good, not out of greed or malice. Porphyr – Goddess of the Sea and Water ~Embrace the unpredictability of life, as the sea is ever-changing. ~Respect the water, for it can give life and take it away. ~Trust in the flow of fate, as the tides ebb and flow. ~Protect the oceans and rivers, the lifeblood of the world. ~Seek balance in all things, as the sea is both calm and stormy. Xerna – Goddess of Healing and Light ~Heal the wounded, both in body and spirit, wherever you find them. ~Seek out and share knowledge that brings light to the darkness. ~Bring hope to the hopeless, shining light into the shadows of fear. ~Act with compassion, as the power to heal begins with kindness. ~Illuminate the truth, for light reveals all things hidden. Reina – Goddess of Luck and Mischief ~Embrace fortune, whether good or bad; it shapes life in unpredictable ways. ~Take risks and embrace change; fortune favors the bold. ~Bring joy and laughter through cleverness, but never with malice. ~Be prepared for the unexpected; luck can shift at any moment. ~Find delight in chaos, for mischief keeps life lively and fresh. Weir – God of Spiders and Terror ~Embrace the shadows, for they conceal hidden strength and mystery. ~Fear is a powerful tool; master it and wield it wisely. ~Respect the web of life, for all things are connected in the threads of fate. ~Study your prey carefully before striking, like a spider in its web. ~Harness your fears and use them to overcome your greatest challenges. Earn – God of the Earth and Animals ~Honor the earth, for it sustains all living things. ~Protect animals and live in harmony with nature’s creatures. ~Cultivate the land with care, knowing it is a gift and a responsibility. ~Preserve the balance of the natural world, as all things depend on it. ~Embrace your connection to the land, for the earth is both your home and your legacy. Junqua – Goddess of Fair Judgement ~Seek truth and fairness in all your decisions and actions. ~Weigh all sides of an issue before passing judgment. ~Protect the innocent and uphold justice, even in difficult circumstances. ~Let your decisions be guided by impartiality and wisdom. ~Justice must be swift but tempered with mercy and understanding. Kyndra – God of Magic and Lies ~Knowledge is power—seek it, use it, and keep it guarded. ~Lies can be a tool for survival; use deception wisely, but not to harm the innocent. ~Magic flows through all things, so study its mysteries carefully. ~Bend reality to your will, but be mindful of the consequences of your actions. ~Trust in nothing and question everything, for truth is often hidden beneath layers of illusion. The World of Aramis has five Continents. Incarn - Incarn is all ruled by one kingdom, the kingdom of Dianette, which is also the name of its capital. There are five major cities, and many smaller towns. The Kingdom is ruled by King Dyrn and Queen Kella. They are humans, but the kingdom is well-known for its diverse races. Many Tieflings live here as their homeland, Qael’Scula, has been taken over by Elementals from the Primordial Plane, who hate Tieflings and have driven them away from their homeland. The Kingdom of Dianette is known for their worship of the goddess Dianette. They believe heavily in being welcoming to all, and do their best to make their homes happy places. Ginx - The continent of Ginx is currently a pretty lawless place. It’s mostly a jungle, with many dangerous creatures in it, including dinosaurs. It hasn’t been centralized in government or any ruling figure. There are four settlements on Ginx, but each is its own ruling body, and pretty much keep to themselves. Has two entrances to this world’s Underdark here - in the city of Weir, and near the Quemar Volcano. Dawnsar - Dawnsar is known for its beauty. It has four major cities, and several smaller towns. It has a rainforest in its center, but it’s been tamed, rather than left to run wild like Ginx’s jungle. Oryph - Oryph is run by a Democratic Republic, like the USA of our world. They have a President, and a Congress split into two parts: a Senate and a House of Representatives, and they have a Supreme Court that decides on laws. Oryph has four major Cities, and many smaller towns. Each city has a set number of towns it controls in regards to laws and law enforcement. Montague - Montague is run by the Dragons, Dragonborn, and Half-Dragons that live there. They have a Council made up of the oldest of each race, and they make decisions on laws and enforcement based on a majority vote. Qael’Scula - Currently run by Elementals from the Primordial Plane. Was the original settlement of the Tieflings. Now, any tieflings remaining there are slaves to Elementals. There is a lot more lore. We currently&nbsp; have two tieflings who are looking for other tieflings to join the party for an all-tiefling party. This is NOT a requirement, it's just what they were thinking in regards to lore and their backstories. Payment is $5 per person, per week! We'll be starting at 10PM PST TODAY!!! This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $5 to be fpaid on paypal each session. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. <a href="https://discord.gg/hsA6j7sH" rel="nofollow">https://discord.gg/hsA6j7sH</a>