Had my first session running with the Jumpgate copy of my Pokemon TU v2 game and several new hiccups were spotted while playing. 1. The window of the damage calculator macro of the character sheets appeared BEHIND the character sheet, so I had to close or move the sheets to get to do that effectively. This happened with every character sheet repeatedly. It is working fine now since I've reloaded the game, but I had never seen that before. 2. Since this was a copied game, I had an image set before-hand onto the GM Layer and when I tried to bring it from GM Layer to Map Layer, the image disappeared, as if I deleted it. I repeated this multiple times and I could place it on the Token Layer, but never on the Map Layer without it disappearing and not even the players saw it appear there. Once again, I've been unable to reproduce this problem after reloading, but never had this problem ever before in Classic. 3. And this is actually just a Jumpgate thing I've noticed, but I don't like how the Bars don't show up now if you have a zero set as the maximum number on the Bars, I had good uses for them. Technically not a big deal, but it's still objectively a downgrade from Classic, like who has complained about this? If you don't want a bar to appear, just don't put ANYTHING as the max number.