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Help please: Nesting Macro Dropdown Menu

I've hit a wall I'm trying to create a drop down macro to list the elixirs for alchemist artificers and to then run a different macro to display the description(and roll for the healing elixir) So far I can only get the list part of this idea to work: ?{Options|Elixirs,?{Choose an Elixir | Healing, | Swiftness, | Resilience, | Boldness, | Flight, |T ransformation, } This allows me to pick what elixir I want to display in chat. I than tried adding the nesting syntax to is so that It would display the info in a trait template ?{Options|Elixirs,?{Choose an Elixir |Healing,#healing |Swiftness,#swiftness |Resilience,#resilience |Boldness,#boldness |Flight,#flight |Transformation,#transformation } But when I run it, the dropdown menu only shows the Healing option and when I try to run it, it only outputs the roll for the macro and not the description Healing macro: (The other options are the same minus the roll at the end.) &{template:traits} {{name=Experimental Elixir Healing}} {{source=Artificer: Alchemist}} {{description=The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to 2d4 + the artificers INT modifier}} &{template:simple} {{rname=Healing Elixr}} {{mod=INT}} {{r1= [[2d4+3]]}} {{normal=1}} I've boiled it down to A. There's something I'm missing in either the menu macro or the elixir macros or B. The nesting macro feature doesn't support the "traits" template syntax and I gotta just suck it up and try other formats or just display as regular text. Please let me know if either of my conclusions are correct or hopefully a troubleshoot

Edited 1729661278
When you nest stuff in queries, you need to replace the characters that the outside query would use with html entities - this includes any contained within macros, attributes, and abilities resolved in the query. Try replacing every nested pipe with | every nested closing brace (that is not part of an ability or attribute call to be resolved) with a }, and every nested comma with ,. Note that whenever you open a collections macro for editing, html entities within it are resolved, so I would recommend instead using a character sheet to save macros requiring html entities as abilities. 
Sheet Author
API Scripter
As an alternative, look into chat macros . They are much simpler to desin and dont use html substitution.