This is both a Pathfinder 1e Question and A roll 20 Question So I have a party of level 11 players one of which is a Barbarian he was asking for help setting up his rage buff in the buff section of the sheet Online says it should be written as +4 to Strength +4 to Constitution +2 morale to Will -2 to armor class +(2*@class1_level}) to hit points Because of the high level the STR CON and will Go up to +6 STR and CON and +3 will respectfully Making the Buff Change to + 6 to Strength +6 to Constitution +3 Morale to Will -2 to Armor Class +(2*@class1_level}) to hit points while the rest of the Buff isn't the issue My Player has an issue with the HP part as its Giving him 20 Temp HP where he is saying he should be getting 36 HP He has a Nat CON of 16 and it goes up to 22 while in rage I'll be the first to admit I'm bad at math but I don't see how he should be getting the 36 and if He is meant to get 36 how would I write the buff to reflect that we are not using unchained rules if that changes anything