Well I guess I sucked at explaining that maybe, but I got the recharge tracker working great, as well as a few others for shit that I wanted to work exactly how I wanted it to work. Maybe someone else will find them useful or improve what I'm sure is an AI mess of code. Oh well. RechargeTracker: <a href="https://pastebin.com/WTQvwaL7" rel="nofollow">https://pastebin.com/WTQvwaL7</a> - Requires TokenActionMaker, set up token actions for a NPC with recharge abilities. E.x Breath Weapon. Will prompt on the NPCs turn when the ability is available, and roll when required to recharge. Nicely formatted messages with flavorful text. Great for forgetful DMs who have a hard time keeping track of abilities for more engaging encounters. Use !combatend in whatever macro you use to close up combat, it was the easiest way to have settings reset. I'm sure there is a better method. Should parse any ability with (rx-x) or (rx) in the token action name. Should be automatically generated from token action maker. LegendaryActionTracker: <a href="https://pastebin.com/HG320zdU" rel="nofollow">https://pastebin.com/HG320zdU</a> (Non-Jumpgate) <a href="https://pastebin.com/FBCQ5TL8" rel="nofollow">https://pastebin.com/FBCQ5TL8</a> (Jumpgate) - Requires TokenActionMaker, setup token actions for character with legendary abilities. Make sure the name formatting matches: L-<Action Name>(C-X) where X is the cost of the ability. Token Action Maker should do this correctly. Will send prompts in whisper to the GM every round that legendary actions are available to be taken, with a button to subtract their cost from the pool. I use the token action macros to link to chat, so non attack abilities still get pasted as a roll. Couldn't quite figure out that part, as I would prefer non attacks to just post the name and description. But everything else is working. Also uses !endcombat to reset. StealthMaster: <a href="https://pastebin.com/xThWHTcw" rel="nofollow">https://pastebin.com/xThWHTcw</a> - rogue's best friend. Select a token and use !StealthMaster , it will prompt for rolling at advantage, then against active or passive perception. It can be used on NPCs or PCs with nicely formatted messages to chat and whisper with only the relevant information in an easy to read format. MirrorImage: <a href="https://pastebin.com/43k3wZCv" rel="nofollow">https://pastebin.com/43k3wZCv</a> - !mirrorImage (x) where x is the number of mirror images. Defaults to 3. Press it again to take them off. All with flavorful chat messages, stored in a state object for persistent saving and displays it over the blue status marker icon to denote how many images are left. If anyone has any comments or ideas to improve feel free.