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Starfinder 2nd Ed Playtest then the official character sheet time frame?

October 29 (3 months ago)

Posting this topic again, anyone Roll20???  Official Launch is getting closer, the PF II sheet works in a pinch, but ya, be nice to have a playtest sheet ya know..

Thanks for any reply!!??


November 24 (2 months ago)

Still waiting, at least Demiplane is sort of saying 2025, but nothing more than that, for them, NOTHING on their sheet to be of use in Roll20 as of yet.......


December 23 (1 month ago)

And.......... NOTHING still, SIGH


January 26 (2 weeks ago)

The only sheet being worked on anymore is the D&D 2024 character sheet. From what I gather, everything else has been abandoned in favor of working on Demiplane integration. So look forward to, eventually (who knows when it'll be ready), using clunky snail-slow character sheets with content and character options locked behind paywalls and little to no homebrew support.