You have a couple options for turn-based movement of graphics. The first is OnMyTurn , which could be used in conjunction with token-mod manipulation of the graphic. The other is Scriptcards using a turnorder-based trigger . I think the biggest trick is going to be the DL paths when the map is rotated (because rotating existing DL paths doesn't work, so the elements have to be redrawn) . For this, Dynamic Light Recorder might work for you. With a little setup, it should be able to redraw the DL path elements when the map is moved or rotated. What I don't know is if DL Light Recorder will respond to api-generated movement (e.g., if you made an OnMyTurn macro that moved the map token programmatically). That would take some trial and error on your part. Note: beware if you are running a Jumpgate game. They changed how paths are handled, so many/most/all path-dependent scripts will fail atm. Unsure of how this is going to play out in the future, but it is likely to require re-writes once the dust has settled.