Hi everyone. i am new at the Pro level and tried to use the "Its A Trap" API for seting up automated Traps. Unfortunately the basic version does not include atributes and modifications (at least i could not find it) and the other sheets (e.g WOD, Starfinder; D&D) could not be applyed to the rules of Coriolis. My Question: Is there a way to modify the script without much scripting knowledge to make it work for the "Coriolis: Alternative" charakter sheet based on a system that counts a number of dice (Atribute + Skill) and counts every rolled 6 as a success? E.G i have 3 Points in Wits and 3 Points in Observation, i will detect a Trap with 6D6 in which only a 6 becomes a success against a trap DC that could be set to any number which is the number of 6 rolled and if i fail i have to do a Dexterity + Agility roll against the Trap DC and have to met the Trap DC in rolled 6. Im not sure how complicated that is but maybe i dont have to invent the weel twice and there is already a pre-made API script that will give me that options? Best wishes and thanks! Marcus