I run a long standing DnD4e campaign (I know, right?) and I have had things nicely modded and things run great, but I've been racking my brain on a simple, no-brainer system for keeping track of conditions that cease either at the end of the inflictors turn. Is there an elegant way to track this that I've missed? To make this clearer, a lot of powers will give, for example; -2 to all defenses until the end of the casters turn. So a monster hit by that power will have that -2 until the end of the casters next turn. It's one of the easiest things to forget in combat, and I'd like assistance with a solution for keeping track of this. So far, the best I have come up with, is using an afflicted condition status reminder script that notifies with a line of text at the beginning of a turn. The script that handles that does work, but I want to know if it could be done better easily. Can anyone help with this?