An Ocean of Possibilities is a 5e Naval themed campaign
where the player can join any number of organizations in the world of
Ramius where the story takes place. Ramius is an Ancient world with many
histories, cultures, and treasures, both current and forgotten waiting
to be found. Mostly water with three continents and hundreds of volcanic
islands, Ramius boasts not only vast wildlife but a wide variety of
biomes each with the chance of finding something new. There are lots of
races and their variants in this world that you can be which will be
discussed if I take interest in your application, so if you're wondering
maybe this one and you're not sure, Ask! This world has been through
many catastrophes and wars that have reshaped technology as your
characters know it. The Ramius Conflict was a war 200 years before this
campaign starts, resulting in most technology being lost and/or
destroyed. Prescious few things of the old world are still in existence
such as the most basic form of flintlock and cannons. The world is
mostly ruled and controlled by the Royal Family on the main continent of
Altis, the Noble Faction, families either related to the Royal Family
or selected by them, The Royal Navy,( kinda self explanatory), and the
Pirate Concordat, a union between outlaws thieves and rejects, under set
rules to unify them. The pantheon will be mostly a borrow from Critcal
role with Major things changed along with some originals i personally
added. FOREWARNING: there are things in this world that are more than
capable of killing a character in some cases almost instantly or the
blink of an eye because of either their nature or an unknown reason that
you have to find out. A webcam is not required however, a decent
microphone, computer and/or tablet is i will not accept anyone on a
phone because i already have to control NPCs i shouldn't have to move
your character for you.
Rules of the Campaign: (Mind you, some of these are Discord rules) 1—The
DM is not perfect and is prone to mistakes. That being said, when the
DM makes a call determining something, that word is final. The
determination of said call will be made due to the story, and if you
have an issue with it, wait until we stop playing or take a break to
voice your opinions. 2- The Rules of D&D will not always apply in
certain situations, as not only this a Homebrew campaign, but this is
also a story. Sometimes things will happen for story purposes, and if
you have an issue with a call refer to rule 1. 3-There will be a
Strike system in play throughout this campaign. You will receive a
warning first time you don't obey the rules. Not coming to a session
completely, not messaging the DM about missing a session or being late,
becoming mad without thinking of all possibilities including story, or
interrupting story to bring up rules of D&D. 4-If you have
questions for the DM, please use the Text channel for it. Use the @
symbol and simply ask to talk, and the DM will PM you. However, if it's
about your character and you wish to keep it private, please leave out
specifics and say, "it's about my character". 5- the non-DM channel
is for player use only and has been blocked from the DMs sight. It's
meant for players to strategize between sessions and discuss things
about their characters or NPCs they have met. 6- off-topic is a
channel to get those much-needed memes or references out of your head.
So, have fun with it just don't spam too much. *7- the important
information channel is a strictly non-text channel, where the DM will
post things necessary to keep things on track.
<a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/379542/an-ocean-of-possibilities" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/379542/an-ocean-of-possibilities</a>
Necromancy Wizard, Aracan Rogue, Rune Knight. The players have a ship now from the former Pirate King. The DM does not want Warforge race or the Artificer ,
as it is a lost tech that has yet to be returned. Even gun right now
take two turn to load as gun at this moment atre bad. The DM says tech
and gun will get better but it might be until Next campaign until that
happens. If you have ideas, tell the DM, and be prepared to have more
than one idea, as this is a made-up word our DM made. The cost of things
is different, as well as the monsters and rules, as this is a homebrew
game made by the mad mind of our DM. His rules are Law even if outside
the normal 5e rules. NOT 2024
~In the Party so far is~ - Necromancy Wizard, Aracan Rogue, Rune Knight Story Update:
We are LVL 8
Necromancer Wizard who is noble-ish, smart, and our Captian. (I call him Stick Butt) He Might be a bit Evil to get revenge.
Arcane Rouge is a persistent liar who seems more like a Tsundere. (I
didn't mean to make her like that) IS or IS not Evil? Hard to tell with
her lying. (She just turned into a Devil)
Rune Knight is a sea elf with a good nature, seems to believe
everyone, and is super happy and friendly. Good? Or Air Head? Still
learning about the world.
There is a great war going on and the Navy group is not what it
seems. There is a cult going around controlling things from the shadow
and a Devil name Nod pulling all the strings. There also new King in Elf
Kingdom and the Darven King had fallen. Drugs and slavery are at all
time high right now and thieves guild seem to went in to hiding. Our
group is finding out about all these things and more. Not wanting to be
pulled in to something but somehow we are. The group delt with a Devil
and a Judgement trial for the Rogue in which she wasn't killed but was
close. Instead, she was turned in to a Devil and the group is relaxing
now in a hot spring and about to head out in the morning. They are considering going to the Giant Kingdom or dropping by a player's old home.
What is needed Update:
Still need players maybe two of them third at most. Healer? Tank?
Just anything that not taken. Please read the rules on to see what races
are allowed as well as classes. The DM does not want Warforge race or the Artificer , as it is a lost tech that has yet to be returned. Please apply at Roll20 and not with me. I'm not the DM.
Overall, all we love to do is joke around, get stuff done, and
overall feel that we want revenge for stuff that happened to us. Well,
some of us and others just want to see the world or be rich. Mean we are
good at poking fun at each other and messing around or getting in to rp
fights and trying not to laugh since its all for fun. We like silly
things, but we can get a bit dark due to our planning for revenge or
when someone wrongs us. After all, we are Pirates?