Tuo said: You can actually make it work with the advantage setting - the setting includes the toggle for showing the r2 row, so you can include a custom r2 row that shows only if the advantage setting allows a second roll to be shown, which will overwrite the default r2 row. @{Chester Tinkerstar|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=Cook's Utensils}} {{mod=[[@{wisdom_mod}+@{pb}*2]]}} {{r1=[[{@{Chester Tinkerstar|d20},10+0d0}kh1+[[@{wisdom_mod}+@{pb}*2]][Mods]@{Chester Tinkerstar|pbd_safe}]]}} @{Chester Tinkerstar|advantagetoggle}+6[Mods]@{Chester Tinkerstar|pbd_safe}]]}} {{r2=[[{@{Chester Tinkerstar|d20},10+0d0}kh1+[[@{wisdom_mod}+@{pb}*2]][Mods]@{Chester Tinkerstar|pbd_safe}]]}} {{global=@{Chester Tinkerstar|global_skill_mod}}} @{Chester Tinkerstar|charname_output} Oh nice, this is also working!