Actually, I just tested this in a Jumpgate game, and the Twins script does work (at least the version I got off of Aaron's GitHub repo ). (The Jumpgate change they made to reverse the points on paths is all the more indefensible in that it doesn't affect all objects -- like tokens -- on a map.) But, Twins should work. You have to establish the connection between 2 token with a command like: !twins -N1234567890abcdef -OAxNdXrSkdW-OAGRcsX Then when you manually move one token, the twinned token should also move. Just running the command to "twin" the tokens doesn't make one token mirror the other (ie, match location). You have to instigate a manual change to a token to have the matching twin (on another page) match it. If you are still having trouble, post back with your actual command line, as well as a description of what is happening in your game. Now, with the script as written, you can only "twin" 2 tokens... so, as far as getting multiple tokens connected, you're going to either have to get creative, or get the script changed. Looking at the script, I don't think it would take too much to change it (so that it worked with multiple sets of tokens), but since it's Aaron's script I'd want to check with him to see if he wants to do it. Let me reach out to him and see if he has the bandwidth to do that.