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New Pathfinder (1st edition) books in the marketplace

November 05 (3 months ago)

Is there any chance we will see more content from Pathfinder in the marketplace in the future? Just one bestiary and the corebook doesn't do it for me anymore. :D

November 06 (3 months ago)
Jacob R.

Yeah that would be great. I understand they focus on PF2 but PF1 is still played a lot, so I wished they'd support it more. Fantasy Grounds has a ton of PF1 support.

November 06 (3 months ago)
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator

Ask Paizo.

November 06 (3 months ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Are you seeking adventure paths, or sourcebooks? Or either?

December 09 (2 months ago)

Sourcebooks. I'd like to have more bestiaries and the item book. More spells in the compendium would be nice too.

December 09 (2 months ago)

Jacob R. said:

Yeah that would be great. I understand they focus on PF2 but PF1 is still played a lot, so I wished they'd support it more. Fantasy Grounds has a ton of PF1 support.

I have a lot PF1 in Fantasy Grounds, but we keep coming back to R20, because it is simpler to use and quicker to build a setting.