Hi there, I've been playing D&D on and off for years, started with Pathfinder, around the time D&D 3.5 was out but I would still consider myself more beginner/casual player. I have a chronic illness and have a lot of Dr. appointments during the normal workday but I'm still hoping I can find a DM whose running CoS for free (I've got no current income myself :( normally I would be happy to pay someone for DMing week to week but I can't currently).  So weeknights (Minus Thursdays) would work best for me, or weekends late morning, early afternoon would be ideal but I'm willing to be flexible there too.  Once upon a time, I knew a lot about the campaign, but I've forgotten most of what I've learned thanks to memory issues. I've still not had the chance to actually start playing in a CoS game though, and knowing all the themes involved in it, I'm itching to play. I already have multiple character concepts in mind that could add a lot of narrative fun for not just myself or the DM, but the group as well. For anyone whose read this, thank you for your time! Hoping to hear from some people!