Hello to all reading this. I am looking to GM a game of Pathfinder 2nd Edition. I have a large list of campaign ideas/settings that have just been piling up, waiting for some friends to consume. Sadly, many of those friends just simply cannot spare the time or energy to play anymore. I don't blame them, but nonetheless I have content, and I want to put it out. I am hoping for a Friday or Saturday session at or around 6 PM PST, but am willing to negotiate schedules. I would like to have no more than 6 players. If you are interested, please respond with your availability. If I still have room at my table, I will message you a Google Form link with some questions to make sure we can find a nice cohesive group. I will check for responses at least once a day, though I will try for more. My "Style": I am a GM who mostly focuses on ensuring the game is fun and eventful, as I feel my players ARE the heroes of the story, and not simply some paper to be tossed towards the shredder. That being said, death is a real consequence, and your characters are mortal (for the foreseeable future), so please don't knock on death's door believing otherwise. Ultimately, I want everyone to be able to just have some fun playing how they would like to play without the constant fear that I'm going to kill your character off for my personal enjoyment. I am very open to ideas and suggestions regarding your characters, and don't mind including rule variants to help your character come to life. If you believe that I follow a monster manual for my monster's stats and abilities, you are poorly mistaken. Sometimes, I want you to fight a huge dragon before you technically should be able to. According to a monster manual, you are dead. According to me, you are about to show off some serious heroics. Other times, I want to have a relatively simple Goblin to remain a threat when you are higher level. To put simply, monsters in my fights serve a purpose, and I will bend their stat blocks to suit that purpose. I will have at least 2 weeks to plan the next session. My game will cater to your choices so what you do will matter. I will warn you that even though I do not railroad my players, you will do well to understand that I am an "all roads lead to ____" kind of GM. You won't be avoiding my planned encounters simply because you walked the other way, you will just encounter them in a different area/setting at a different time. Thank you for your time! -Tyler