Hi. Recently the following problem appeared, in a repeating table simple non-calculated field values behave strangely: they are rolled back when restarting the game, or if you change one value, another value changes. In addition, at different times for different characters, these values can be saved and work normally, but can bug. I tried to translate a copy of the game on Jumgate, there is the same thing. I tried to roll back the code of the Character Sheet to an old version, on which everything always worked fine and got the same problem, so it's not in the Sheet. Please help me figure out how to fix it: <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XeK6u-RFSveXI8F0GSsqKyOtt2xmKu9q/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XeK6u-RFSveXI8F0GSsqKyOtt2xmKu9q/view?usp=sharing</a>