Hi Stanley! Yes, that is actually a browser limitation, or rather, a limitation with how browsers work. Here is more information about differences when sheets are popped out. Here's a quick list, though: Things that don't work when sheet is in a separate window: Charactermancer doesn't work . - You might be able to open it, but the final step to finish building doesn't work. Can't drag-n-drop - drag-n-drop from the Compendium to the sheet when it's in its own window is inconsistent, and doesn't work in all situations. Can't re-order things in Repeating Sections - You can check/uncheck the "lock" and delete entries, but not re-order them Edit " Bio & Info "-tab - when you press on the edit button, Roll20 opens the sheet inside the main Roll20 application on the "Bio & Info" page for the sheet Nothing in the " Attributes & Abilities "-tab can be re-ordered - you can add & delete Attributes and add Abilities, but not re-order them The "Share with Players" button disappears.