Our game is an anime crossover of Dragonball, Bleach, and Fate series placed into a single universe! Piccolo searches for a new generation to take over to defend Earth before he dies. Urahara Keisei recognizes something is amiss in the spirit world that is affecting the mortal realm which is making the hollows stronger than ever. Tohsaka Rin is hearing rumors of a new holy grail being constructed despite its destruction. The Current Storyline: 6th Holy Grail War Arc A small squad criminal called Dark Masters manage to get the dragonballs to wish for holy grail. This alert the mage association and holy church that the holy grail ha s been restore. Now the grail war is back which shouldn’t be after it was destroyed! Waver Valvet and Rin Tohsaka are force to participate in this war again. This time it consist from 14-21 participants. Whoever wins it can actually nuke much of the planet! &nbsp; Will the mystery of Shirou Emiya’s death be reveal? Which grail are the participants facing this time around? Will Excalibur enough this time around? What does Morgan have to do with this grail war? Is this the true reason why Merlin is interfering? <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/293695/dbf-crossover" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/293695/dbf-crossover</a>