Welcome to 2096. Intelligence is rewarded and stupidity is punished. There is only one difficulty level and that is survival. You are a merc, free to choose your own path. Be it hunting desert creatures, going after bounties, searching for relics, or working for the corporations. There are many ways to make credits if you know how. I started a new job that currently gives me no time to play sessions so I started a "text between chapters" (post to play.) This is open to all experience levels and anyone who loves post-apocalyptic sci-fi. It uses all the 2096 rulesets. (I will give you the player pack and go over initial character creation with you.) This is a great introduction to 2096. 2096 is currently pre-launch on Kickstarter and there are past sessions over on the 2096 Games YouTube. Message me for details as we venture though this scorched Earth.