Tuo said: The simplest way to do this, that doesn't require upgrading your subscription, is to just use different tables for the different rolls - though if the modifiers are dynamic, that gets a bit tedious. Another way to do this, which is a lot less efficient, is to use some advanced tricks. Something like The roll is [[[[?{die size|1d12|1d10|1d8}+?{modifier|0}]]]] [Result](!/
 &{template:default} {{[0](#" hidden)}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=1]]](#" hidden)= result 1 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=2]]](#" hidden)= result 2 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=3]]](#" hidden)= result 3 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=4]]](#" hidden)= result 4 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=5]]](#" hidden)= result 5 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=6]]](#" hidden)= result 6 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=7]]](#" hidden)= result 7 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=8]]](#" hidden)= result 8 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=9]]](#" hidden)= result 9 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=10]]](#" hidden)= result 10 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{$[[1]],100}=11]]](#" hidden)= result 11 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>12]]](#" hidden)= result 12 contains the description of a result, this text is just to fill the space for testing}} {{[0](#" hidden)=[ ](#" null=)}}) Thank you so much Tuo, this works great!! What a wonderful work around - amazing!!! I am in your debt!! :D