I'm trying to prep for my first online campaign and I'm a little confused by the enemies in one of the Candlekeep Mysteries modules. (I bought this module through roll20 directly.) I'm hoping someone can explain how I'm messing up!
When I select the tokens of one of my enemies (A Deep and Creeping Darkness) and "view character" I get taken to a place I can start a new character, edit the character directly, or build a new character. The tokens all have HP listed so I know that somewhere...the stat details for these things are recorded and functioning. But I don't know where or how to access it so I can play in the game. If I select "edit directly" I get a sheet that has the pictures of the creature, but it's like an unfilled out sheet with default 0s everywhere, and I can't edit it. This would make fighting using the r20 interface for the monsters impossible - it would force me to roll physically for anything they do, which hurts lends itself to some frustration with my players.
I appreciate any help!