I use a player called "Gloria" on a big screen to show the players a ship viewscreen like in StarTrek. I want to send a series of pings for the players to see where a radio transmission is coming from. It does not work. In fact, I cannot seem to make a ping appear via the API at all! Here's my code: *on("ready", () => { on("chat:message", (msg) => { if (msg.type === "api" && msg.content === "!distress") { startPinging(); } }); const pingInterval = 5000; // Time between pings in milliseconds (5 seconds) const duration = 55000; // Total duration in milliseconds (55 seconds) const numPings = Math.floor(duration / pingInterval); // Number of pings to send const graphicName = "GRID-1"; const bar3Value = "planet"; const startPinging = () => { const graphic = findObjs({ _type: "graphic", name: graphicName, bar3_value: bar3Value })[0]; if (!graphic) { log(`No graphic found with name '${graphicName}' and bar3 value '${bar3Value}'`); return; } const pageId = graphic.get("pageid"); const left = graphic.get("left"); const top = graphic.get("top"); for (let i = 0; i < numPings; i++) { setTimeout(() => { sendPing(left, top, pageId, '-Nj_Dg6a5ikbFyo8uxEM', false ); }, i * pingInterval); } }; });