Welcome to the Syndicate! One of Four special schools in Carthacombe dedicated to the training of enhanced individuals known as Sovereign. These beings are considered Sovereign as they are tasked with cleansing the world of evils. As a result of your education, you are granted access to the world as you see fit, becoming a staple in each of the major countries after this campaign. But before I get too ahead of myself. The Syndicate is home to four different schools, each chosen by one of the four beings, gods of immense power that are worshiped throughout the land. You will be taking part in a smaller journey for now, though. You are tasked with making it to school every day and forging relationships that will help you with exams and extracurricular activities. These individuals will come into play if you decide to take part in a larger campaign within the world but for now, let's focus on the school. There are several many small time questlines to follow within the Syndicate that expand it beyond the given module to a customized adventure with many different facets to explore. I have 15 different classes available which we will take part in to gain benefits. Every 3 courses taken in a specific course will give the player an option to take an exam where they can use their relationship and exam dies gathered to gain extra perks and feats for free that will help in the further campaign. For more information feel free to message me! I have run through this campaign twice, once at high level and once at low, and would love to help some new players through!