This was a little bit complicated, but I wrote something that does more or less what you're asking - it effectively rolls ceil(X*0.2)*10 sets of Yd8, and shows you X results, numbered from 1 to X. The reason is that this keeps the dice roller from having to roll hundreds of dice at once when you need a few large pools of dice, while allowing you to input any combination of number of pools and pool sizes. Involves reusing rolls, template overwriting, and recursivity.
&{template:default} {{name= batch 1
[ ](#" hidden null=)}} {{[0](#)}} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>1*1]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]]
}} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>2*2]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]]
}} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>3*3]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]]
}} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>4*4]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]]
}} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>5*5]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]]
}} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>6*6]]](#)=[more](!/
}} [[[[1+1]]]] [[5]] [[?{how many creatures}]] [[[[?{how many dice}]]{{[0](#)=[ ](#" null=)}}
&{template:default} {{name= batch $[[11]][ ](#" hidden null=)}} {{[$[[12]]](#)}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>1*1+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>2*2+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>3*3+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>4*4+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>5*5+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>6*6+$[[12]]]]](#)=[more](!/
 %{@{character_name}|group-hp-continue} [[ [[$[[11]]+1]] ]] [[$[[12]]+5]] [[$[[13]]]] [[$[[14]]]] )}} {{[$[[12]]](#)=[ ](#" null=)}}