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Macro that lets me roll multiple monster hp and output into chat?

Marketplace Creator
Hi All,  I am playing Tales of Argosa and trying to make a macro that will let me roll multiple creatures hp. ToA always uses d8s for monster hp, so for example an orc might have 2d8 hp, a giant 10d8 hp, and so on. I found a macro that lets me roll multiple d8s (and asks me how many d8s to roll), as follows:  [[?{Number of times}d8]] But what would be ace is if the macro also asked me how many creatures, and then would generate each creatures hp. At the moment I have to press the macro multiple times for multiple creatures.  I've had a poke around the forums but couldn't quite figure it out. Any help appreciated! 
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That can't be done with standard roll20 macros, which cant iteration of the kind you are asking for. Macros must have the number of dice defined at creation. You can do this with a script, but your GM needs tobe a Pro subscriber (and code the script).
Sheet Author
an option: roll for a dozen(or whatever...) using the single HD query but only use the number that's appropriate. &{template:default} {{name=?{Number of times|1}d8 Monster's}} {{#1:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #2:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #3:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #4:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #5:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #6:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #7:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #8:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #9:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #10:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #11:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]] #12:[[?{Number of times|1}d8]]}}
Marketplace Creator
Thanks very much Gigs and Vince. I cant be sure if others will have a pro subscription, so I'll go with Vince's idea - cheers mates!
Steve said: Thanks very much Gigs and Vince. I cant be sure if others will have a pro subscription, so I'll go with Vince's idea - cheers mates! Just to be clear: the Game Creator needs to have a current Roll20 Pro subscription to use Mod scripts in that game. It does not matter if any other players in the game have a Pro subscription. 
Marketplace Creator
Thanks for the clarification Jarren. I am hoping to include this with a module that others can use, which I understand from poking around the Roll20 site requires other GMs to also have the pro subscription (but not their players, as you indicate).
This was a little bit complicated, but I wrote something that does more or less what you're asking - it effectively rolls ceil(X*0.2)*10 sets of Yd8, and shows you X results, numbered from 1 to X. The reason is that this keeps the dice roller from having to roll hundreds of dice at once when you need a few large pools of dice, while allowing you to input any combination of number of pools and pool sizes. Involves reusing rolls, template overwriting, and recursivity. group-hp &{template:default} {{name= batch 1 [ ](#" hidden null=)}} {{[0](#)}} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>1*1]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]] }} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>2*2]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]] }} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>3*3]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]] }} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>4*4]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]] }} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>5*5]]](#)=[[?{how many dice|1}d8]] }} {{[[[{0,?{how many creatures|1}}>6*6]]](#)=[more](!/
 %{@{character_name}|group-hp-continue}) }} [[[[1+1]]]] [[5]] [[?{how many creatures}]] [[[[?{how many dice}]]{{[0](#)=[ ](#" null=)}} group-hp-continue &{template:default} {{name= batch $[[11]][ ](#" hidden null=)}} {{[$[[12]]](#)}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>1*1+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>2*2+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>3*3+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>4*4+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>5*5+$[[12]]]]](#)=[[$[[14]]d8]]}} {{[[[{0,$[[13]]-$[[12]]}>6*6+$[[12]]]]](#)=[more](!/
 %{@{character_name}|group-hp-continue} [[ [[$[[11]]+1]] ]] [[$[[12]]+5]] [[$[[13]]]] [[$[[14]]]] )}} {{[$[[12]]](#)=[ ](#" null=)}}
Marketplace Creator
Wow thanks Tuo that looks complex!! I tried copying the code across but unfortunately couldn't get it to work. It came up with " TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'substring')  Thank you however for all your efforts!

Edited 1731618676
Ah, you'll need to save them as abilities on a sheet, I wrote it with attribute shortcuts (that error occurs when you have an attribute or ability call without a defined reference, but attribute calls within a character sheet default to referencing the character sheet they are on if they are unspecified) so it wouldn't need editing or selecting a token or anything like that. Save them under the names above, and start with group-hp, and it should work.
Marketplace Creator
Thanks again Tuo, I have had a play around with it, just figuring out attributes and abilities on the sheet. I'm sure I'll get it soon! Thanks again for all your efforts, greatly appreciated! :D