Hello. I am currently working to convert our very large and very long running campaign into a sellable product for use in Roll20. I have read and understood, to some degree, rules concerning AI. (I should state that I am absolutely NOT a fan of AI - coming from a family of creative people (photographers, musicians and artists) we have all seen our work opportunities dashed in the last few years! However, I also understand how it can be a massive help to certain content creators and so on...) Our campaign that I am producing and transferring over to Roll20 uses a fair few AI illustrations, and I understand that these are forbidden. However, some, for example - a picture of a dilapidated windmill and surrounding derelict houses, could not be generated satisfactorily by "Skynet" and his friends ... So I instead generated a background picture of some grass and some clouds and a windmill - but then (as I am a kind of a trained illustrator) I entirely changed the picture, adding trees, darker sky, took away the sails on the mill, added hills and birds flying - all in Krita and Affinity Designer. I then imported some houses from another AI generated picture, but removed the roofs and brick by brick made them look derelict - all painstakingly by hand. My question is this: At what point do Roll20 draw the line? Is it 5 pixels of AI drawing - and it's rejected outright? Or can I use these illustrations where at least arguably 60-70%% of it is my original creation? I should point out, although I am an illustrator of sorts, I do not have the time (and ultimately the skill) to create the 10-12 paintings that each module requires - and I know that other pre-made/pre-painted works exist from real artists (god bless 'em) - but sometimes you need to be very specific, right? And that illustration that I was looking for of "a broken down windmill, sails missing, nestled in a moody, foggy landscape, surrounded by old houses with their roofs missing..." just doesn't exist. Thanks, in advance.