Hi!  I recently got fired from my job, and now I have 5-6 months of free time and I seriously need some weekly stuff to do.  First off. No, english is not my first langauge, but I do speak and understand it very well.  Besides that I got a kid (2 year old) and a wife (dont wanna mention her age.. Never mention a womans age) - So im only free once in the week for playing.  My timezone is GMT+1.  I have played DND a few times, but is was years ago, so to be honest im starting on a fresh page here. Character wise, story wise and attributes wise. If I need to read something I will do it!  I hope that someone on here, would have me in their weekly group so I dont rot in this unemployment stuff.  Reminder! Of course, even if I was employed I would still have time to play.  Best regards,  Nicolai (ruzty) from Denmark.