I use character sheet macros in a system I designed and need some help. Specifically, I'm looking for advice from someone knowledgeable, like The Aaron, Keith Curtis, or anyone else who can assist. In my system, a d20 roll is generated against a calculated "attack to hit" number. For example, if you need a 10 to hit and roll a 15, you hit by 5. Dodging works with a lower is better mechanic, so if you have a 15 dodge and roll a 5, you dodged by 10. I'm designing a macro where the attack number is taken from the character sheet. For instance, if a character needs a 5 or better to hit with their longsword, the macro will check the weapon's base attack number from the character sheet. The macro will then ask for situational modifiers. I'm combining the defense roll in the same macro so that the character enters the number the DM gives them when asked. For example, I might tell the player that the goblin parries on an 8. My macro works, but there's an issue. I want the option of either DODGE or PARRY in the macro. Since parry is better with a lower base number and dodge is better with a higher base number, the formula for determining how much one succeeds or fails by is different for each. In the current macro, I have the defense roll defaulting to either 999 or -999, which is nonsensical. Is there a way to make the macro only roll either the parry or dodge number and not perform the d20 defense roll if the default number is left as 999 or -999? Here is the macro I use: /em makes an attack with @{WPN1} and hits or misses by [[1d20 +
@{BaseMod} + @{Current_Pluses} + @{DexMod} + @{SkL_1} + @{WPQual_1} +
@{SPBN_1} + ?{Situational modifier|0}]]
// Calculate the
difference between the d20 roll and the defender's parry number,
display the result
The defender
succeeded or failed THE PARRY by [[(1d20) - ?{Enter the defender's
modified parry number|999}]]
// Calculate the
difference for the dodge: Lower is better, so a lower d20 roll means
The defender
succeeded or failed THE DODGE by [[?{Enter the defender's modified
dodge number|-999} - 1d20]] Thanks for any help I can get!