Wondering if anyone would mind helping me... I am probably being stupid, but I cannot get this sheet worker to do ANYTHING. The code I am using is: <div class="sheet-spirit sheet-block"> <label>Spirit</label> <span><input name="attr_spirit" type="number" value="@{spirit}" readonly/><input name="attr_spirit_curr" type="number" value="0"/></span> </div> <div class="sheet-mind sheet-block"> <label>Mind</label> <input name="attr_mind" type="number" value="0"/> </div> <div class="sheet-body sheet-block"> <label>Body</label> <input name="attr_body" type="number" value="0"/> </div> <script type="text/worker"> on("change:mind", function() { getAttrs(["mind","body"],function(values) { let mind= parseInt(values.mind) || 0; let body= parseInt(values.body) || 0; let spirit_new=(mind2 + body)2; setAttrs({ "spirit"=spirit_new }); }); }); </script> The idea being that when the player alters the value in mind then the sheetworker updates the value of spirit, using both mind and body in the calculation. But in reality it does nothing at all. Spirit is valueless (though the html input boxes are showing as I expect them to). I have obviously missed something. Does anyone have any ideas, please?