As a DM, I have recently got into AP's and have been FULLY sold on them. One of my favorites is the Hunters Mark API by GiGs on Roll20. If you don't know, it basically allows players to set a custom Marker on a target token. And not just that, but the next time they try and Hunters Mark, it'll erase the old one and place one on the new target. Now this works PERFECTLY for my Ranger Player, and it ALMOST works for my Bard players as Bardic Inspiration. The problem? It erases the previous marker in place of the new one, and Bardic Inspiration works on multiple targets. Unfortunately, I'm no programmer. But I also feel like it's (probably) not that difficult to just tweak the original into a new script to my needs. More specifically, just changing the commands and removing whatever in the script erases the previous Marker. I may be TOTALLY incorrect in assuming that's something that can be done, but if anyone familiar with API script making/with the Hunters Mark API would like to give it a shot that would be awesome! I don't really plan on handing it out past personal use, so feel free to keep whatever (if any) script that’s made!