We are using Jumpgate with the new 2024 D&D 5e rules. Everyone created new characters. This character was a paladin, created using the character creation tool to level 1, then upgraded to level 3 using the "Level Up" tool. Instead of adding paladin levels, it added a "Custom Class 2 3". So now his Lay on Hands doesn't work correctly, and there are other issues too. I am going through to correct things for him, like his "Cure Wounds" and about 4 other paladin 1st level spells are marked as cantrips. I was able to hand-correct these. For this, though, I am just trying to get this system to recognize him as a single class level 3 paladin. Does anyone know how to correct this? Right now, using the "Level Up" tool makes it appear like he is a normal level 3 paladin, but the character sheet does not.