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Macros and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e Official by Cubicle 7

Hi everyone, The official character sheet includes some useful actions / buttons on the combat tab, I am trying to figure out how to make use of these in macros. More specifically: (1) Action buttons  (i.e. Initiative, Endurance, Perception, Dodge, Intuition, Cool). (2) Weapons Does anyone know of a way to call these from a macro perchance?   Francesco PS. The plan is to make these token actions
Forum Champion
Hi Francesco,  Yes, you can do this:  1) Drag the button on the sheet to the bottom of the sheet and release. It should appear in your macro bar.  2) click the button on the Macro bar 3) In the chat tab, click the chat box (where you type) and hit the up arrow on your keyboard. Copy the command.  It should look like: %{charactername|actionname} 4) Go to the Attributes & Abilities tab on the character (at the top). Click "Add" on the right side (Abilities).  Click the pencil, then put in the name you wish. In the body put the command you got from step 3.  Click the checkmark and test the macro. Checkmark the box to put it as a token action.  5) Cleanup: go to the button on the macro bar, while hovering over it you will see a small handle pop out on the right side. Grab that and pull it towards the top of the screen. Then release.
Oops, missed responding to this one... thank you very much! Worked a treat!