Hello all. I'm back with another noobish HTML/CSS question. I borrowed a character sheet template (which I can't find the original anymore) that was listed on roll20's help section. It uses a fieldset tag that lets the user add as many text input fields as they want in a particular section. My issue is, I am using this to record a character's abilities, and the field is too small to fit all the text. I would like to use the hover pseudoclass so that when you hover over one of the input fields, its height increases (or some other effect) so you can view all the text. I am barely literate in HTML/CSS, but I got the syntax to work on other fields in my sheet, just not with this particular section. Here is the HTML in question: <section class="feat f-col">
<fieldset class="repeating_feat">
<input name="attr_feat" type="text" >
<section class="trait f-col">
<fieldset class="repeating_trait">
<input name="attr_trait" type="text" >
</section> Here is the CSS in question: .feat {
grid-area: feat;
background-color: #E3D9CA;
.feat .repcontainer[data-groupname="repeating_feat"]{
padding-bottom: 0.2em;
.feat .repcontainer[data-groupname="repeating_feat"] .repitem{
margin: 4px 0px;
.trait {
grid-area: trait;
background-color: #E3D9CA;
.trait .repcontainer[data-groupname="repeating_trait"]{
padding-bottom: 0.2em;
.trait .repcontainer[data-groupname="repeating_trait"] .repitem{
margin: 4px 0px;
} The line I was adding to the CSS was: .feat .repcontainer[data-groupname="repeating_feat"] .repitem:hover {
height: 200%;
} I tried a few variations of that, calling only the repitem, or giving the specific input in the HTML a class and only calling that, but nothing has worked. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you, -Wes