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Star Trek Adventures 2e Char sheet?

December 13 (2 months ago)

Does anyone know if there will be STA2 version of the character sheet for Roll20?   

December 16 (2 months ago)

I've been following them obsessively for any info about this basically since they revised 2e. I belive on modiphius' discord a mod mentioned that they were working with companies about 2e and VTTs but nothing specificly about roll20. 

December 19 (1 month ago)

Edited December 19 (1 month ago)

I'm actually working on a community sheet with the new Beacon sdk for this as a personal project! I wasn't in the discord 'til now, but I can pop in there.

December 22 (1 month ago)

Nora C. said:

I'm actually working on a community sheet with the new Beacon sdk for this as a personal project! I wasn't in the discord 'til now, but I can pop in there.

I might be very interested in this could you let me know when it's ready? 

January 12 (1 month ago)

Hello, do we have any news on an updated 2nd edition character sheet?

January 12 (1 month ago)

Edited January 14 (1 month ago)

It's been slow going between my work on the Roll20 Official sheets and the holidays interfering but I've picked it back up. So far, I've implemented the following:

  • Abilities and Departments
  • Rolling and roll templates
  • Shared momentum/threat pools across the sheets and a very basic gm sheet to manage them

These are the things that I want to finish before I publish the first release

  • Focuses
  • Determination
    • Automatic Success
    • Rerolls
  • Stress and Resistance
  • Values, Personal Logs, and Advancement
  • Basic Talent Notation (limited automations if they're easy to implement)

It sounds like a lot of work remains, but much of the infrastructure is really already done. The only things I'll be starting from scratch are the Personal Logs and Milestones. If all things go well, you might be able to see something by the end of the month, but it might go into mid to late February. The biggest mitigating factor will be the time I have; my day job is making character sheets here, so I'm trying to keep a decent balance on the amount of my free time I spend working in the sheet sandbox and the time I have to actually relax and recuperate 

Once all of those are done, though, my next update will be focusing on fleshing out the remainder of the PC sheet and getting started on starship sheets, plus some quality of life adds for GMs like seeing player character values and focuses collected on the GM sheet.

If there are any requests or questions about my prioritizations, feel free to ask them here!

January 13 (1 month ago)

Thanks for the update and work ^^

January 19 (3 weeks ago)

Will you include a NPC sheet simplified like we have actually with the official roll20 character sheet?

January 20 (3 weeks ago)

Ealwyn said:

Will you include a NPC sheet simplified like we have actually with the official roll20 character sheet?

For sure, but I'm not decided on whether that should come before or after the ship sheet update. The goal is to keep the player sheet simple enough that y'all can get by without it in the meantime!

January 21 (3 weeks ago)

Thanks !

February 03 (1 week ago)

Hi Nora, I'm new to Roll20 and dm'ing but hoping to start my own campaign soon. I'm looking forward to your character sheets. As I'm new around here, can you point me to the discord you mentioned?

February 04 (1 week ago)

Jim said:

Hi Nora, I'm new to Roll20 and dm'ing but hoping to start my own campaign soon. I'm looking forward to your character sheets. As I'm new around here, can you point me to the discord you mentioned?

Glad to hear! The Modiphius discord can be found at:

February 04 (1 week ago)

Thanks Nora :)

11:59AM (14 hours ago)

Is there any update/ETA on when a 2nd Ed character/ship sheet will be available?

5:54PM (8 hours ago)

Edited 6:15PM (8 hours ago)

I had COVID for all of last week, and I'm only just now feeling like I'm approaching 90%; It's likely that this will be released at the start of March at the earliest. Everyone's interest in this sheet has left a profound impact on my desire to finish it, so I'm very sorry to be the bearer of bad news here. Rest assured that I want it released and out there just as much as you do <3