Our Friday night gaming session was a train wreck with most of my players having issues and with the DM (me) having the worse of it. I've had problematic sessions before on Roll20 but this is first time it's been this bad and on Fargate. I'm not sure where we go from here. We had been holding off leaving Roll20 because of the promise of Fargate and then we have perhaps the worse night since we began playing on Roll20 in early 2020. Note up front that this is an ongoing campaign, on Fargate and nothing was unusual about the maps (indeed, most were maps that had already been visited in previous sessions). First, my problems: The Chrome performance issue is back and now appears to also have a memory leak. My Roll20 tab hit almost 4GB before it crashed Chrome. Twice Roll20 corrupted Chrome (display issues like black boxes on multiple tabs and windows, tabs redrawn with pieces of Roll20) and Chrome had to be rebooted. My macbook pro crashed at one point (note that I always reboot before a gaming session because the performance issues). Could have been the corruption in Chrome that was also going on at the time. On several occasions, I got the famous mac beachball as my laptop froze and all video in Roll20 freeze framed. Player 1 reported there were several times where the map was initially drawn without the fog of war and they could see everything. They had minor lag issues. Player 2 had to reboot their windows machine before they could even run Roll20 at all. They had multiple issues with lag the entire night. Player 3 had lag and performance issues the entire night and kept getting warnings from chrome about the Roll20 tab. Player 4 experience video freezing on multiple occasions.