So the answer to this question is NOT answered on top google searches or a cursory search in the forums. Hope this can bubble up to top search so no one has to independently figure this out again. You must escape the sheet-macro itself. Do this with the following in the description of the sheet macro you want (this can be a weapon attack, save throw, feature, w/e) }} If I'm in your chat, I successfully escaped! ! That is 2 closing brackets, a new line which can have whatever you want, and another newline with ! to comment everything else out (this should only be a signifier of the token, which isn't actually needed) . Now you can add the visual effect as such The dragon exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC l3 Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 (or [[7d6]] (7d6)) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
/fx breath-fire @{selected|token_id} @{target|Target|token_id}
! This is the Fire Breath from D&D 5e's Red Dragon Wyrmling, except now we escape the action block and render an actual fire breath animation targeting another token, assuming we are selected on the dragon. (Using Shift + Left-Click to open sheets automatically selects them, if you aren't already doing this as a DM to manage your tokens, DO IT) What about playing audio sound effects from a roll20 sheet macro? Same idea, but you need a pro subscription and an API. This is NOT complicated since you can use the Roll20 Audio Master which is a 1-click install for most rooms. Here's what you do: - First : Install Roll20 Audio Master from APIs, you need a PRO account to do this. It is a 1-Click install, just wait about 5-10 minutes. - Second : Execute the following line from your chat to make the API pick up all your sound effects and wait for it to give a "all imported" message back. (You MUST do this EVERY time you add a new music file) !roll20AM --config,import - Third : Add the play,nomenu FIRST when you escape the sheet macro. It is first because SFX take a bit of extra time to get playing, and we want to line the two up as much as possible. It should look like this }}
!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu|DragonFire
/fx breath-fire @{selected|token_id} @{target|Target|token_id} ! You can now add visual and audio effects to any sheet macro or action in a way that is pretty clean. It's a bit hacky in how we escape the sheet, but it works without too much fuss. NOTE : This WILL execute twice on attacks or any other macro that requires you "activate" it multiple times. Ideally this is for sheets where you roll to-hit and damage all at once to avoid sound and visual spam.