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5e 2024 Weapon Masteries Mishandled

December 20 (1 month ago)

I can't be the only person asking about this, but I can't find a forum anywhere.

On the new character sheet weapon masteries are handled completely wrong. The sheet implies that a character gains certain masteries and then can use them on any eligible weapon. This is not how weapon masteries work. A character masters a specific weapon, which has a certain mastery trait. 

For instance, if a player wanted to use the the Topple mastery of both their Trident and their Battle Axe, they would need to use 2 mastery slots to master both those weapons. But on Roll20, it appear the player just needs to select Topple with one mastery slot and then can topple with all 5 different weapons that have the Topple trait. 

I have filled out feedback forms on this issue several times including within days of the sheet becoming available. I have gotten no response, and obviously no changes have been made. 

I'd just tell my players that Roll20 is handling the feature wrong and move on, but it makes tracking a PC's masteries virtually impossible. In the example below, one of my players is playing a 10th level Champion Fighter. I believe the 5 weapons she has currently Mastered are the Scimitar (nick), Shortsword (Vex), Whip (Slow), Dagger (nick), and Hand Crossbow (vex). However, there is no way to confirm that as the sheet shows that she has taken vex twice, nick twice and slow once. 


Am I crazy. Does no one else see the problem?

December 20 (1 month ago)
Forum Champion

Hi Carnie DM, 

The best places to post issues with the D&D 5e 2024 by Roll20 character sheet are either the Help Center or this thread

December 24 (1 month ago)

I've submitted multiple tickets through the help center with no response.  And the forum page you sent me to is 15 pages long with every random complaint about the new character sheet going back months. You don't expect me to read through all that in the hope that someone has said anythign about my specific issue? 

December 24 (1 month ago)
Forum Champion

Carnie DM said:

I've submitted multiple tickets through the help center with no response.  And the forum page you sent me to is 15 pages long with every random complaint about the new character sheet going back months. You don't expect me to read through all that in the hope that someone has said anythign about my specific issue? 

No, I am telling you where the best places to post those issues are. 

The Help Center is supposed to be the place to report bugs to, but I also know the Devs read certain specific threads, such as the one I sent you to above. 

The Devs do not generally read the forums, that is more for community assistance. As such they are unlikely to see this thread, so if you want them to see it you should use the two options I outlined above. 

Regarding the lack of response via ticket, please make sure the responses are not winding up in your email's junk folder. If the emails are not winding up there, please supply the ticket number(s) and I will see if I can get some attention sent your way. 

December 24 (1 month ago)

Radio Silence from Roll20 on this and all the other issues. 

Slow motion car crash :) 

December 24 (1 month ago)

Not saying the reason, but it IS the holidays for most people (tomorrow being christmas and all).  I admit not everyone celebrates every holiday, but if they do they are probably not going to respond to tickets (or at least not as fast) as non holidays.

Have a little patience I am sure they will respond once they get to your ticket and have a happy holiday.

December 24 (1 month ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

They did report in several places that their presence will be less through the holidays.

December 30 (1 month ago)

I'm not sure how to continue. I didn't save every one of those automated emails with the ticket number as they clutter my inbox. There is also no way to know which ticket was for which issue. So how could I give the specific ticket number connected to a specific issue? I got a response to one ticket out of about 10 over the course of the last month. And that wasn't resolved other than I was given workaround that didn't work and told the issue was being escalated. That was a month ago. And it was for a different issue. 

I did post in that huge running log in the help center, with no response (though that was too close to the holidays unlike the earlier attempts at getting help.) 

December 31 (1 month ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Did you see the response to your post here?

December 31 (1 month ago)

I did not. Thank you. I find it hard to follow these forums. That one has so many different conversations at once, which is why I posted a separate thread. And I seems like I only get a notification on threads I started.

Masteries are still not working right, but they are better (as I explain in the other thread). I'm so worried the campaign I'm finally starting on Saturday will be an unmitigated disaster. Every time I check a player's sheet I find another problem. And with no API support and super slow character sheet loading, combat is going to be a slag. Sorry. Just venting at this point.