I happened to write a macro for the Shock table in DH2e, you can use it as a template for your macro if you'd like:
&{template:default} {{name=Shock
}} {{Roll=[[[[1d100+(?{Modifier (+10 for every degree of failure after the first)|+0})]]]]
[Show result](!/
 &{template:default} {{name=[ ](#" hidden null=)}} {{[0](#" )=[ ](#" hidden null=)}} {{[1](#" )=The character is badly startled. He can only take a single Half Action during his next turn, but afterward he acts normally.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>21]]](#" )=Fear grips the character and he begins to shake and tremble. He suffers a –10 penalty on all tests for the rest of the encounter unless he can recover his wits (see Shock and Snapping Out of It, page 286).}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>41]]](#" )=Reeling with shock, the character backs away from the source of his Fear. He cannot willingly approach the object of his Fear, but can otherwise act normally, with a –10 penalty on all tests until the end of the encounter.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>21]]](#" )=Fear grips the character and he begins to shake and tremble. He suffers a –10 penalty on all tests for the rest of the encounter unless he can recover his wits (see Shock and Snapping Out of It, page 286).}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>61]]](#" )=The character is frozen by terror. He can take no actions until he recovers himself (see Shock and Snapping Out of It, page 286). After snapping out of it, he makes all tests with a –10 penalty for the rest of the encounter.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>81]]](#" )=Panic grips the character. He must flee the source of his fear, if able, as fast as he can, and if prevented from doing so, can only take Half Actions and is at a –20 penalty to all tests. Once away from the danger, he must successfully Snap Out of It (see Shock and Snapping Out of It, page 286) to regain control.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>101]]](#" )=Fainting dead away, the character keels over and remains Unconscious for [[1d5]] rounds. Once he regains consciousness, he is still shaken and takes all tests with a –10 penalty until the end of the encounter.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>121]]](#" )=Totally overcome, the character screams and vomits uncontrollably for [[1d5]] rounds. During this time he can do nothing, and drops anything he is holding. Afterward, until the end of the encounter, the character can only take a single Half Action each turn.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>131]]](#" )=The character laughs hysterically and randomly attacks anything near him in a manic frenzy, firing wildly or attacking with whatever he has at hand. This effect lasts until the character Snaps Out of It (see Shock and Snapping Out of It, page 286), or until he is knocked Unconscious or otherwise incapacitated.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>141]]](#" )=The character crumples to the ground for [[1d5+1]] rounds and begins sobbing, babbling, and tearing at his own flesh, and can do nothing else. Even after he returns to his senses, he is a complete mess, and suffers a –20 penalty on all tests until the end of the encounter.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>161]]](#" )=The character’s mind snaps. He becomes catatonic for [[1d5]] hours; for that time, he is Unconscious and cannot be roused.}} {{[[[{0,$[[1]]}>171]]](#" )=The character is so overcome with terror that his heart stops: he must make a [Challenging (+0) Toughness test](`%{macro-sheet|test-toughness}) or die. If he succeeds, the character still falls Unconscious for [[1d5]] hours, and cannot be roused for that time.}} {{[0](#" )=[ ](#" hidden null=)}})
@{#character |whisper}&{template:dh2ed}[[[[floor((@{#character |Toughness} +[[?{Modifier|+0}]])/10))]]-[[floor([[1d100]]/10)]]]] {{name=Toughness}}{{roll= $[[2]] }}{{degrees=$[[4]]}}{{skill=[[@{#character |Toughness}]]}} {{modifier=?{Modifier|+0} }} {{target=[[@{#character |Toughness} + [[?{Modifier|+0}]]]]}}
I used macro overloading to get the test from whoever clicks the chat link, though this requires all character names to have a space at the end due to how collection macros are called.