Hello, newer author to Roll20 scripts and working on a project for Adventure Importing. From my current research it looks like Mods (Scripts) are not able to create new page objects and they are also not able to upload content to the art library on your behalf so they cannot bring in new image or music content. If I understand correctly the existing functionality of scripts such as character creation, handoffs, adding, walls lights to pages, and changing imageSrc for characters (and hopefully scenes??). If I create a browser extension I could theoretically resolve imageUrls with a fetch command converting them into base64 data and simulating a drag drop to the library asset upload. I could also use the extension to create the necessary pages. With both a browser extensions and a script I think this should be possible, but I want to know if I am missing a cleaner approach here or any features that could make this problem a bit easier. Additionally, I know extensions like Beyond20 interact with Roll20 today, but want to make sure this isn't a terms of service problem. Thank you very much for the time and consideration!