I created a script called Easy-Utils , a library of basic functions designed to help speed up the process of making Roll20 mods. There's also an example script, easy-util-menu.js , that demonstrates how to use the library in a practical way. easy-utils.js easy-utils-menu.js Features 1. Dynamic Module Loading Dynamically load and manage utility functions. Its uses closures to customize functions for the retrieving module and memory efficinecy. Avoid redundant code with a centralized, reusable library. A special global Object called a Forge contains Factories that present API for specialized use across all APi scripts making use of EASY_UTILS. These factories are Phrase, Template, and Theme factories. 2. Advanced Logging System Log messages in a structured, syslog-like format to enhance debugging and traceability. Multilingual logging support through PhraseFactory . 3. Translation Support Integrate with PhraseFactory to support multilingual scripts. Players can select from available languages that they want their whispers displayed in. Multilingual AT THE SAME TIME. Script makers can upload custom dictionaries for different languages. dictionaries that are not used by any players are unloaded form memory. 4. Use CSS and HTML 4. Use CSS and HTML There is a collection of functions that make working with raw HTML and CSS easy. The CSS works with universal (*), Element, Ids, Class, Attributes, :root and nth-child pseudo classes More rules can be added in the future You can use handle bar expressions {{ ... }} in HTMl templates for placeholders. You can use var() in CSS to apply universal color palettes. *Note the menu is different for GMs. 5. Override Templates and Themes Replace template expressions ( {{..}} ) and CSS variables to override colors and structure. Reuse the same HTML template and CSS theme to display different types of messages. With players picking their own language, or defaulting to every "EASY" module to a different language. 6. Developer Convenience Functions like logSyslogMessage enable structured and consistent logging across scripts. Quickly build new APi scripts using a shared library of utility functions. easy-utils-menu.js is an example of how a mod might look.