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Theros Purchase

December 24 (1 month ago)

I purchased the Mythic Odyssey of Theros bundle today and I admit I'm confused on where the resources are to add to my game. The only art pack resource I can find is a handful of tokens, and not any of the art handouts. None of the maps are on my map pages, I've searched and there is nothing under "Theros" to add as an Add On. 

Is the only way to access those resources to start a completely new game with the game module or is there something I'm not clicking properly? 

December 24 (1 month ago)

Edited December 24 (1 month ago)
Forum Champion

Hi Star S., 

Mythic Odyssey of Theros has the following components: 

Compendium: this is found in the Compendium tab in your game or via the Compendium link on the website. 

Module: You can create a game with that module. 
To answer your question here, no, there is no Add-on. You have to create a game to use a Module. 
Regarding maps, the maps are all part of the module. There are 19 pages in the Module, 16 are adventure maps, 1 is a world map, and the other two are the start and token pages. 

Art Pack: This will be in your art library. 
To answer your art question, there are 11 images in the art pack as indicated here.