Hahah I come by it honestly... my dad used to be in the shop 'building a better hammer' for those last couple of nails :) keithcurtis said: Hi Jeremy! Most any programmatic solution is going to take a similar amount of prep work. I'm assuming this is a one-off encounter? In which case, I suggest that your time would be better spent just remembering to ask for the save at the beginning of each turn for that one encounter. Sadly for the heroes there will be a couple of these Nightwalkers in their future, plus a boss version! But still easy enough to take care of manually for sure. I figured there must be a tool for this that I haven't seen as yet (only been pro for a few months now and its information overload to be honest). It would be useful for things like the nightwalker, zone of truth spell, spirit guardians spell (though this is slightly different), dragons frightful presence, medusa petrifying gaze, etc. Ultimately, I was hoping to build a 5e version of blackfire from Return to the Tomb of Horrors This was a super fun game I ran 25 years ago! There is a Winterwight with the blackfire and I thought it would be fun to have a 5e version of this: "While a winter-wight's physical attacks are not to be ignored, the real threat this creature possesses is that its touch causes blackfire. In the same way that a conventional fire burns and propagates by consuming combustible fuel, blackfire burns on the fuel of a living being's life force. Those touched in combat are engulfed in cold flames the color of midnight. The afflicted character must immediately make a check to determine what happens. On a roll of 11 or more on 1d20, the character suffers no damage that round, and the blackfire burns lower; the target's hit point adjustment from Constitution applies as a bonus or penalty to the roll (all characters can claim the warrior adjustment for purposes of the roll). If three successful checks are made in three successive rounds, the blackfire gutters out. If the check fails, the target temporarily loses 1d2 points of Constitution, losing any associated hit points and special abilities. Each round that the blackfire burns on the victim's life force, another check must be made. If the creature's Constitution score reaches 0, it dies. Those killed by blackfire are irretrievably consumed. Nothing but a blackened, crumbling skeleton clad in undamaged clothes remains of the victim. Not even a wish can restore them. If any other living being comes within 2 feet of a victim engulfed in blackfire, that being must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or face the same effects described above. Blackfire cannot be smothered by conventional means. However, blackfire will not burn in an anti-magic shell or on a being protected by a negative plane protection spell, and it can be blown out by the force of a fireball, lightning bolt, or similar energetic spell (the victim suffers damage from these normally) of at least 8 dice. Those who survive blackfire recover lost Constitution at the rate of one point per hour."