Then Detroit. The motor city. Birthplace of Mowtown Records.
Originally a Camarilla stronghold, the city fell to the Sabbat in the 20th
century and they ruled it undisputed until 2005, when a reckless vampire tried
to take control of a cartel and was taken captive, revealing the truth of
vampires to the cartel. The Camarilla, sensing weakness, moved in to take back
the city. The cartel had no chance against both factions and were defeated. The
Camarilla and Sabbat each retreated to their strongholds in the city and a
restless truce became the state of things. Now The Lasombra have joined the Camarilla, and in the process,
betrayed their former Sabbat allies in Detroit. The Camarilla now reigns here,
but it is not a city at peace. The Camarilla works to revitalize the urban
wasteland, bringing business and jobs back to the city, and the kine follow,
full of hot blood. The Sabbat wages a secret war to take back their stronghold
and the Inquisition builds strength here, working with the remnants of the
cartel. A new drug appears in the streets and in the clubs. Rapture
creates a euphoric state in it’s users and leaves a telltale red stain on the
tongue. For a city recovering from poverty and hardship, this drug offers an
escape for many people. The problem is that vampires who drink kine with
Rapture in their systems are infected with a wasting blood disease. Each member of your coterie is close to someone affected by
Rapture, either kine or vampire and it falls to you to unravel the mystery of
this new street drug and who is behind it. A small mystery leads to a much
greater story. Join us to weave your character into this chronicle. All
creatures of the night welcome. About me: I’m Tyler and I’m glad you took the time to read this post! Here is my link in Roll20: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/users/105305/eldritchechoes" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/users/105305/eldritchechoes</a> Here is my StartPlaying link: <a href="https://startplaying.games/gm/eldritchechoes" rel="nofollow">https://startplaying.games/gm/eldritchechoes</a> I can be reached at Discord: shadowedEchoes What you can expect: I run sandbox games that revolve around the players. In my
games you will benefit from any compendiums available in Roll20 that I own and
allow, as well as full ambient music, maps, tokens, and always immersive
roleplaying. I welcome and encourage new players and all skill levels and my #1
goal is for you to have an awesome time! Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and
cannot enforce any private arrangements. How to join an awesome story: Here are the most basic requirements: You are ok with 3 hour session lengths that meet once a
week. You are ok with games that use safety tools including red
and yellow lines. You have a decent microphone. Video is available, but
optional. You have a Roll20 account. You have a Discord account. Ready to go?? Message me and let's make it happen! Charge is $20 per session per player Roll20 Link: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/join/18908759/4pFfnw" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/join/18908759/4pFfnw</a>
I hope to see you in game!