Hey team ! I’m trying to work on a dynamic select. As of right now I’m able to update options of a datalist through the use of a fieldset : < input type = "text" list = "options" name = "attr_option" value = "1" > < datalist id = "options" > < fieldset class = "repeating_options" > < input type = "hidden" name = "attr_option_name" value = "Option 1" > < option value = "@{option_name}" ></ option > </ fieldset > </ datalist > < fieldset class = "repeating_options" > < input type = "text" name = "attr_option_name" value = "Option 1" > </ fieldset > Thing is, I want the value of the <option> to reflect the content of the input, be it from sheetworker or auto-calc. Is that possible?