Tuo, One of my players reported it broken so I tried it and it was broken. Opened another game and just tried it - same result. Opened up three other games and they were all given the same message. Gauss, you are correct about the HTML entities and that made me think about what I posted earlier. That was right out of the macro which I opened to study (duh). Fortunately I keep a record of everything I use in my games and went back to that record to find the original: &{template:DnD35StdRoll}{{name=@{selected|character_name} }} {{saveflag=true}} ?{Which resistance?|Fortitude ,{{subtags=braces against the attack}} {{check=Fortitude check:}} {{checkroll= [[1d20 + [[@{selected|fortitude}]] ]]}} {{notes=@{selected|fortitudenote} }}|Reflex ,{{subtags=tries to dodge}} {{check=Reflex check:}} {{checkroll= [[1d20 + [[@{selected|reflex}]] ]]}} {{notes=@{selected|reflexnote} }}|Will ,{{subtags=tries to resist}} {{check=Will check:}} {{checkroll= [[1d20 + [[@{selected|will}]] ]]}} {{notes=@{selected|willnote} }} } You can see the original has the escaped characters. And when I put that back into the game(s) it all suddenly began working once more. Thankfully. So in this case I am thinking one of my players opened it even to just look at it and might have done it across multiple games though one of them is only where I work on my character sheet and it did not work either. Either way, thank you two for your responses as they did prompt me to go to the original macro and reload the corrected macro across the games. A mystery but at least replacing the code worked.