I appreciate as usual I'm being dim but..... There are multiple creatures I want to do this before but I will describe the first occurrence of the problem I have a module I'm creating and there is a protagonist creature a lot like a Yeti - so I couldn't quite see how to create a creature without going through the character builder (a separate learning for me I think) and so thought I will take a MM1 Yeti and duplicate it. This seemed to work fine. I got a copy of the sheet was able to change the art-work, description, stat-block etc. All good or so I thought I created an icon and linked it to the new creature, dragged the creature from the journal onto a map and rather than the name I had chosen it gave it the name Abominable Yeti with the AC and HP from the original MM1 creature. I then noticed that my creature copy still had an MM1 icon next to it in the journal but when opening up the sheet all seemed ok. What am I missing? Do I really need to create my own creatures from scratch? Kind Regards Steve